Efficient Ray Tracing Techniques
Dario Seyb
August 14, 2016
Ray Tracing is next to rasterization the most widely used technique to render computer generated images.
That is, to generate discrete 2D images from continuous 3D scenes. Until recently ray tracing was too
resource intensive to produce images in realtime, but advances in algorithms and hardware capabilities,
most notably the introduction of GPGPU (General Purpose Graphics Processing Units), made near-
realtime ray tracing feasible. In this report I will present some of the techniques which are used to achieve
this. Additionally I will provide an implementation of some of the presented techniques.
Keywords Ray Tracing, Acceleration Structures, Realtime Rendering, GPGPU
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 A short history of ray tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Overview over the path tracing algorithm 3
3 Reducing Noise 4
3.1 Importance Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2 Temporal Supersampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2.1 Reprojection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2.2 Rejection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2.3 Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4 Acceleration Structures 7
4.1 Binary Space Partitioning (BSP) and KD-Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2 Bounding Volume Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5 Hierarchical data structures on the GPU 8
5.1 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5.2 Traversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6 Results 9
7 References 10
1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
Ray tracing is a technique used to synthesize photo-realistic images from a 3D scene description. This
is useful in many applications, from architectural visualization, games and movies to medical imaging.
While the rendered images are of very high quality, the time needed to produce even one frame of
animation is usually measured minutes or hours. Big animation studios like Disney or Pixa r can afford
sup er computers to render their movies,
but this is no t feasible for sma ller companies or individuals.
Luckily, with the advent of ge ne ral purpose computation on consumer grade GPUs most people have a
small super computer sitting in their PCs. The new NVIDIA GTX 1080 for exa mple can do about 9
as many as the fastest super computer in the world in 2001.
Real time ray tracing is appealing, especially in the context of creative wor k, because it allows artists
to preview changes to the scene immediately. Where you previously had to change the position or color of
a light and wait until the next day to review the difference you can now tweak scenes interactively. This
leads to a lower turn around time on changes in visuals and thus higher quality re sults. In this report I
Describe a state of the art ray tracing algorithm. (Section 2)
Explain how to use the fact that the algorithm is running at interactive frame rates to improve
image quality. (Section 3)
Introduce techniques to re duce the time spent on ray-scene intersections. (Section 4)
Give an overview of how to parallelize the construction and traversal of acceleration structures
(Section 5 )
Present an implementation which incorporates the ideas described in this report. (Section 6)
1.2 A short history of ray tracing
The technique of tracing rays throug h a scene consisting of primitives and media has been known to the
computational physics community for a long time. There it is mostly used to simulate the propagation
of waves (e.g. shock waves of an earthqua ke) throug h a heterogeneous medium (e.g. the interior of the
earth) [Bul37].
It was first described in relation to computer graphics by Arthur Appel in 1968 [App68]. At the time
the common method to visualize three dimens ional scenes was to synthesize two dimensional line and
point drawings. Appel re cognized the importance of shading and shadow casting in conveying s hape and
spatial relations. In his paper Some techniques for shading machine renderings of solids” he proposed a
method to r ealize this shading by casting rays originating from the viewers’ position through each pix el
on the viewing plane and ca lc ulating the first point of intersection with the scene. To determine shading
he casts a second ray from this intersection point to the lig ht s ource. Appel’s technique was very compute
intensive for its time, but already illustra ted the power of ray tracing to generate realistic imag es using
a relatively simple alg orithm.
Figure 1: Left: Direct lighting only, Right: Full global illumination
The next major contribution to ray tr acing came from Turner Whitted of Bell La boratories in 1980.
In his landmark paper An Improved Illumination Model for Shaded Display” [Whi80] he described the
algorithm that would become known as Recursive, or Whitted, Ray Tracing. Previously ray tracing was
only used to compute local illumination at the first point of intersection and the only secondary rays that
were cast were shadow rays. This produced a fairly good approximation for diffuse surfa ces, but was
lacking in sc enes with very reflective objects. Whitted took the conce pt of casting secondary rays and
extended it to reflections and refractions. For each intersection point he proposed to not only compute
a shadow ray in the direction of each light source, but also r e cursively compute the color of incoming
reflected and re fracted light. This technique produced impressive looking results, but Whitted himse lf
acknow ledged tha t it did not provide a solution to global illumination since objects could not act as
light sources themselves and diffuse interreflections were not accounted for. Figure 1 shows the differ ence
between direc t illumination only and global illumination. It highlights why I chose to implement a solution
which provides full global illumination. The indirect light is very important for the realistic appearance
of a scene and something that can not be solved easily with rasterization approaches.
Over the following years many different approaches to solve this iss ue were proposed and in 1986 James
T. Kajiya published a paper titled The Rendering Equation” [Kaj86] in which he presents an equation
to describe the propagation of light in a scene. It is genera l enough to describe all optical phenomena we
care about in computer g raphics and this made it possible to classify rendering algorithms by how well
they approximate a solution to the rendering equation Eq. (1).
I(x, x
) =
Geometry Term
}| {
g(x, x
)[ǫ(x, x
{z }
}| {
ρ(x, x
, x
Incoming light
}| {
, x
) dx
{z }
Light reflected at x
in direction
] (1)
It describes the light trans port between two points x and x
as a combination of emitted and reflected
light at x
. The geometry term describe s the amount of light that actually arrives at x (e.g. g(x, x
) = 0
if there is an object between the two points). To compute the reflected light we need to integrate over all
directions in the hemisphere S above point x
. The main difference between rendering algorithms is how
they approach the evaluation o f this integral. It cannot be evaluated analytically for scenes which are
even re motely interesting, but the formulation of the rendering problem as an integral equation allows us
to employ methods from calculus to devise new algorithms.
2 Overview over the path tracing algorithm
Path tracing is an algorithm which solves the integral in Eq. (1) by randomly sampling it. This pr ocess
is also called Monte C arlo integration”. [Vea97] The mathematical basis for Monte Carlo integration is
illustrated in Equation (2). We k now from basic statistics that the expected value of a function f is the
integral of that function times the probability distribution p from which the random samples are dr awn.
E[f(x)] =
), X
p (2)
Since we want to compute an approximate value for
f(x)dx we are actually looking for the expected
value of
f (x)
as shown in Equation (3).
f(x)dx =
p(x)dx E
] =
, X
p (3)
Each sample is represented by a list of points (x
, ..., x
), x
which form a path through space.
This is similar to Whitted Ray Tracing, except that the po ints are randomly chosen instead of being
predetermined by the reflection and refraction directions. The final value of a path sample is calculated
using Equation (1), recursively evaluating it fro m x
to x
. In Figure 2 an example o f such a r andomly
generated path is shown. Note that this path contributes to the final image since it starts at the eye and
ends on a light source.
In classical path tracing paths start at a point on the image plane . A first intersection point in the
scene is calculated. At this point a scattering event is simulated. This is done by randomly choosing a
new dire ction with a distribution which depends on the material of the hit object. The next intersection
is calculated based on the chosen direction.
A path is terminated when it reaches a light source, the maximum path length is reached or no
intersection is found. The reason why paths start at the camera is that a path which starts at some point
on the surface of a light source is very unlikely to hit the image plane and thus likely to not contribute to
Figure 2: A light path through a scene which contributes to the final image.
the image. More sophisticated methods like Bidirectional Path Tracing start rays at both ends and try
to connect them. They produce better results, but ar e harder to implement, espe cially on GPGPUs.
3 Reducing Noise
For classical path tracing to c onverge to a stable solution we need to sample thousands of paths for each
pixel. Since sampling a path requires intersection tests which are already the bottleneck of the pipeline
(see Se ction 4) this is not something we can afford under the constr aints of real time rendering. The
lack of samples results in a high variance betwee n pixels which is expressed as noise. As des c rib e d in
[Sim+97] uniform noise is one of the more pleasant artifacts to human vision, but it still impacts the
perceived quality of rendered images . In the following I will des cribe two approaches to reduce variance
and improve ima ge quality without sampling more paths.
Reducing the variance of the sampled paths by carefully choosing the sampled distribution in
our Monte Carlo integrator.
Reusing samples from prev ious frames and thus reducing variance by having a lar ger number of
samples for each pixel.
Figure 3 shows what we can achieve with the noise reduction techniques presented in this report. It
should serve as a motivation for why noise reduction is instrumental in achieving acceptable images in
real time path tracing.
Figure 3: Left: No noise reduction, Right: Importance sampling and temp o-
ral supersampling
3.1 Importance Sampling
In his thesis Eric Veach pre sents a numbe r of ways to reduce variance in Monte Carlo algorithms. [Vea97,
pp. 45–70] I will foc us on importance sampling [Vea97, pp. 47–48], because it is easy to integrate into
existing algorithms. Other techniques such as Bidirectional Path Tracing or Metropolis Light Transport
produce better results, but are more complicated to implement correctly, especially on the GPU.
The idea of importance sampling is to concentrate our efforts on parts of the integral in Equation (1)
which have a large value. That is , we would rather sample paths which contribute a lot to the image than
paths which barely do. To achieve this we choose a function p that is a s similar as possible to the function
f we want to evaluate and which can be sampled efficiently. A c ommon technique is to approximate or
disregard factors in f until we arrive at a function which can b e integrated analytically. The mathematical
reasoning for why a p with f(x) p (x) would be ideal is given in Eq uation (4).
V (
) =
V (c) = 0 (4)
As such, if f is proportional to p the variance of the resulting Monte Carlo integrator is 0. It is easy
to show that this is a continuous relation, i.e. the closer f and p get to being proportional, the lower the
variance. Figure 4 illustrates this visually.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 4: Approximating a complicated function f by a simpler function p
and sampling f based on the probability distribution of p. Note how we are
more likely to sample the f in directions where it has a large value.
In the case of path tracing f = ρ(x, x
, x
, x
) where ρ is a BRDF. The factor of f that makes
it especially hard to integrate analytically or approximate is I(x
, x
) since I is defined recur sively (see
Equation (1)). If we disregard I(x
, x
) we are left with ρ(x, x
, x
) which is much easier to reason about.
While not all BRDFs can be solved analytically (as no ted in [MU12]) they are usually designed to be
sampled w ith a given probability distribution, which gives us the approximation p we were looking for.
The most basic example of importance sampling is using the fact that all BRDFs must account for
Lambert’s cosine law. Just by using an appropriate distribution for our outg oing directions we can reduce
the variance dramatically since we avoid sa mpling rays which a re almost parallel to the surface and thus
don’t contribute much to its illumination. The differe nc e is quite subtle in Figure 5, but even at just
50 samples per pixels the right image is a lot less noisy, compared to the left image which uses uniform
Figure 5: Left: Uniform Sampling, Right: Cosine Weighted Samp ling
To keep the expected value of the Monte Carlo integration the same we need to account for the fact
that we are no longer sampling f uniformly. This is done by adjusting the probability distribution p in
Equation (3 ).
f and p are chosen for illustration purposes only and are not sup posed to represent an actual BRDF.
There is a lot of value in finding a good approximation to a BRDF since sampling even relatively
complex approximations is very cheap compared intersection tests. Better importance sampling directly
correlates with les s variance and thus reduces the number of needed path samples per pixel dramatica lly.
3.2 Temporal Supersampling
Ray tracing research has mostly focused on the previous area for variance reduction since the common
use case is rendering still images. In real time rendering we are generating an output image 30-6 0 times
per second. Usually the changes between frames are small (i.e. we can assume temporal cohe rency).
Classical ra sterization based rendering pipelines re-render the whole image every fr ame and disregard
previous results completely. This has established itself since samples per pixel tended to be cheap and
the complexity of r eusing samples was not worth the potential quality improvements. In recent years
this no lo nger holds true. The introduction of expensive physically bas ed shading computations, even in
real time applications, made per pixel s ampling a performance issue. Previously issues like geometry and
shading aliasing could be solved by sampling the scene multiple times per pixel, but this is not feasible
any more.
The idea of temporal supersampling is to spread the cost of calculating s amples over time. If we store
a numbe r of samples from previous frames some of these samples are likely to be relevant to the current
frame due to temporal coherency. If we can figure out which sa mples are relevant and which aren’t we
can get more samples for the current frame for the cost of retrieving them from a buffer. This is much
cheaper than computing them from scratch. T here are three steps to temporal supersampling:
1. Reprojection: Figure out the most relevant sample pos ition in our history data and sample the
history buffer at that position.
2. Rejection: Reject inva lid history samples based on some rejection strategy.
3. Combination: Combine the history samples with the sa mples for the current frame.
3.2.1 Reprojection For each visible surface point p in Frame t we want to determine its clip space
position in Frame t 1. We assume that this is where the most relevant data for this point is stor ed in
the history buffer. To determine this position we need to store the previous frames projection and view
matrices P
and V
for the camera and the prev ious model matr ices M
for each object O
. With
that information we can compute the previous clip space location of p as C
(p) = P V
We usually store a buffer of offsets M
(p) = C
(p) C
(p) called motion vectors”. This allows temporal
sup ersampling to be implemented as a post processing step.
3.2.2 Rejection The assumption we made during reprojection breaks down in two cases: The pre vious
clip s pace position is o screen (which means p was not visible in the last fra me because it was outside
the camera frustum) or the depth stored in the history buffer does not match the computed depth (which
means p was occluded by some other surface). We need to detect these cases and reject the samples.
There are also other, c olor based, rejection strategies like neighborhood clamping [Kar14]. Those do not
work well with path tracing since they assume low va riance on smooth surfaces which the samples from
path tracing do n’t provide.
3.2.3 Combination Once we have identified a valid history sample we need to combine it with the new
samples from the current frame. A common approa ch to this is to use a rec ursive expo ne ntial smoothing
filter [Yan+09]
(p)) = αs
(p) + (1 α)(f
(p) + M
(p))) (5)
Where f
is the value of the frame/history buffer in frame t and s
the new sample value. The
smoothing factor α pre sents a trade off between responsiveness (high α) and var iance reduction (low α).
It can either b e set statically or be determined dynamically by s ome he uristic. A rejected history sample
corres ponds to α = 1.
4 Acceleration Structures
After employing the noise reduction techniques presented in the previous section we are able to render
simple scenes in real time to an acceptable level of quality. Unfortunately more complex scenes quickly
become too expensive to render. This is becaus e intersection tests are by far the most expensive part
of any ray tracing algorithm [Whi80, p. 7]. While this is true even for simple scenes, it becomes a
major performance issue in lar ge scenes. Ideally we would like the performance of a ray tracer to be
independent from scene complexity, but this is not possible when using a classical polygon based scene
representation. Rasterization renderers usually per form a culling operation to exclude objects which are
not in view of the camera from which is being render ed. Unfortunately that is not helpful for path tracing
since secondary rays can require intersection tests with off-screen objects. The naive implementation of
a ray cast performs an intersection test with eve ry primitive in the s cene. Hence it scales linearly with
the number of primitives. Acceleration structures which partition either objects or space a llow us to do
better. They gene rally reduce the time complexity of a ray cast fro m O(n) to O(log n) in the number of
primitives. In the following I will discuss various commonly used acceleration structures. The main trade
off is usually cons truction time versus ray tracing performance. Generally, s tructures which offer better
ray tracing performance take longer to set up and ar e mostly suited for static scenes , while structur es
which trade in some ray tracing performance for shorter set up times are better suited for real time
applications and dynamic scenes [Kar12].
4.1 Binary Space Partitioning (BSP) and KD-Trees
The first class of acceleration structures are space partitioning trees. They split the scene into smalle r
and smaller s ub-spaces which are wholly contained in their parent space as s hown in Figure 6. It is also
recorded which objects be long to which sub-spa ce. Once the tr ee is constructed a ray-scene intersection
algorithm can start at the root node and o nly traverse into sub trees if the ray intersects with their
parent node. Actual ray-primitive intersection tests are only nec essary once a leaf node is reached. If
the tree is well c onstructed this reduces the number of inters ection tests dramatically. BSP Trees split
space recur sively along splitting planes. In the general BSP tree the orientation of the splitting plane can
be cho sen freely. KD-trees are a subclass of BSP trees where the splitting planes are axis aligned. This
makes kd-trees substantially easier to construct since there are less degrees of freedom for the splitting
planes. The drawback is that there are situations w he re a BSP tree might be faster to traverse than a
kd-tree. Algorithms which co nstruct an optimal kd-tree ar e NP complete. In practice heuristics are used,
the most succe ssful one being the surface area heur istic [MB90].
Figure 6: A kd-tree built around three objects.
Efficient trave rsal is achieved by always traversing the child node which lies closer to the ray origin
4.2 Bounding Volume Hierarchies
On a first glance BVHs loo k very similar to BSP tree s. The difference is that BVHs group objects together
while BSP trees split spa ce recursively. Figure 7 shows such a BVH which co ntains the same objects as
the kd-tree in Figure 6. A common choice for bounding volumes are spheres and axis aligned bounding
boxes because they are cheap to construct, require little additional memory and their ray intersection
tests are fast. More complex bounding volumes like object oriented bounding boxes, discrete oriented
polytopes or c onvex hulls are attractive because while they can provide a tighter fit, this is usually far
outweighed by the added complexity and storage requirements. Again, algorithms which find optima l
BVHs are NP co mplete and heuristics have to be used.
Figure 7: A sphere based BVH built around the same three objects as in
Figure 6.
5 Hierarchical data structures on the GPU
The naive path tracing algo rithm is easily adapted to the GPU. The massively parallel architecture maps
nicely to computing many independent path samples. In my implementation I start one compute shader
thread for each pixel in the output image. The ma in issue with porting ray tracing algorithms in gener al
is that acceleration structure form trees, which don’t map nicely to the linear, po inter restricted memory
model of a GPU. Especially building such data structures on the GPU is difficult, since parallelizing the
classical construction algorithms is often non-trivial if not impossible. [Kar12, p. 1]
5.1 Construction
Karras [Ka r12] presents a method which aids in the parallel construction of both bounding volume
hierarchies as well as spa c e partitioning trees. He constructs an ordered binary radix tree c ontaining a
Morton code for e ach primitive and shows how this construction can be distributed on n- 1 threads (where
n is the numb er of primitives). This maps very nicely to GPU architectures since the number of threads is
known in advance and the tree c onstruction can be achieved in one co mpute shader dispatch. One of the
possible outputs of this metho d is a kd-tree with n-1 internal nodes (one node per thread). Unfortuna tely
Karras does no t analyse the ray tracing performance of the generated tree s. Figure 8 shows the steps
needed for this algorithm.
Figure 8: Steps of constructing a kd-tree as described in [Kar12]
1) Assign a Morton code t o each object.
2) S ort objects and insert into binary radix tree
3) Construct kd-tree.
The sorting step can be done parallelized by using some parallel sorting technique like the one intro-
duced in [MG10].
5.2 Traversal
Once we have constructed an acceleration structure we need to find an efficient way to traverse it and
find the closest intersection with a ray. For this report I will focus on traversing kd-trees , since [they are]
the best general purpos e acceleration structure for CPU raytracers” [FS05] and a kd-tre e is one of the
outputs of the algorithm described in the previous section. The classical traversal algorithm requires a
stack to store nodes which still need to be processed. Due to the high number of rays which are process ed
in parallel on the GPU, a sta ck per ray is not feasible . This is why stackless traversal algorithms are
necessary for efficient GPU ray tracing. One such algorithm is introduced by Popov et al. [Pop+07]. They
not only describe a technique which can travers any kd-tree without needing a stack, but also propose an
efficient memory layout, taking the peculiarities of modern GPUs into consideration. A usual limitation
of stackless traversal algorithms is the need to restart” a traversal when a leaf is reached, since we cannot
store which internal nodes to travers next.
Popov et al. [Pop+07] get around this by storing additional information, so called r opes”, in each
leaf. Ropes are pointers to the spatially adjacent nodes of a leaf. Once a leaf is reached during regular
traversal we can move to the next node by following the appropr iate rope based on the ray direction.
This reduces the time spent on re-traversing” the tr ee immensely. They also propos e an efficient post-
processing algorithm to add ropes to any kd-tre e. Figure 9 shows the steps taken when intersecting one
ray with the acceleration structure. Note that there is no stack needed thanks to the ro pes.
Figure 9: Traversing a kd-tree with ropes as proposed by Popov et al.
[Pop+07]. The first leaf is found as usual, afterwards we follow a rope in
the appropriate direction instead of moving back up the tree.
6 Results
To familiarize myself w ith the techniques I describe in this paper I implemented a real time path tracer
using C++ and O penGL. The source code can be found at https://github.com/daseyb/pro-se-cg. Much
of the code is based on the edge-of-spac e engine [SSG16] which was built for the game programming
module at RWTH Aachen in WS 15/1 6. The ma in features are:
Real time rendering of triangle models using path tracing.
An interactive c amera sy stem.
Shader hot reloading for fast iteration times.
A flexible mater ial system supporting reflection, transmission and emission.
GPU based acc eleration structures as described in this report.
Note that all images presented here are created with my own renderes. Zaphod ([Sey16b]) for offline
rendering and Orion ([Sey16a]) for real time re ndering. Please consult the respective project pages for
more info rmation, since unfortunately a detailed description of my implementation is out of sco pe for this
7 References
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